A Plagiarism Fixer has become a mandatory step when checking academic papers. Whether the piece of content is a research paper, thesis, or a mere school project, lecturers and teachers prefer to compare texts with a plagiarism checker’s help. Teachers and lecturers check even their created notes just before providing them to the students.
In the SEO sector, content must be original. It is expected to be very ordinary with word selection. But, the fact inherent in the writing must be unique. This is especially important in certain fields. For example, a coursework writing service is expected to run multiple plagiarism checks before submitting a text. Another example, in blog writing, the writer has to write familiar products or services uniquely. Imitation from any others’ writing never serves that purpose.
Instead, it arouses boredom in the audience. The original content creator does not get the credit s/he deserves. The online plagiarism checker plays a significant role that helps to avoid such a hazard. The duplicate pages are detected through this software.
The Common Types of Plagiarism
One should know the general types of plagiarism in order to know how to avoid it.
Writers follow their used writing patterns. Unconsciously or consciously, they copy the whole thesis or research paper or project or blog or article or any other web content. Sometimes these kinds of plagiarism performers copy or paraphrase their existing write-up.
Mosaic Plagiarism:
Before writing something, one should read related books or articles. Sometimes, their writing gets influenced by those sources of information and ideas. In Mosaic Plagiarism also, most of the candidates perform plagiarism unintentionally.
They avoid citations while using the lines from any source. Sometimes, they paraphrase the lines from the sources. In such cases, plagiarism is very hard to detect manually. Plagiarism Fixer Software performs flawlessly in this kind of checking.
Accidental Plagiarism:
Writers may face accidental plagiarism very frequently. As a result of getting confused or disorganized, they commit this form of plagiarism. Sometimes, they are unaware of how to paraphrase correctly. It is essential to know how to cite and to highlight references. Ignoring quotations may usher the accidental plagiarism issue.
Direct Plagiarism:
This pattern of plagiarism is intentional. If someone copies word for word from anyone else’s writing, it is categorized as Direct Plagiarism. In the history of plagiarism, it is the oldest and the most condemned one.
How to Avoid a Duplicate Content Penalty in Academic Papers
Plagiarism, in writing, carries a high risk of facing a penalty. It is considered a serious academic and intellectual offense. Plagiarism in the academic paper might affect lowering the grade, paper retractions, and so on. Above all, it affects the performer’s reputation.
Students and research fellows must be aware of certain things to avoid this:
- Students must follow and have a note from where they are getting information and idea.
- Students must use quotation marks when they copy any existing writing word-for-word and introduce the quoted words. Paraphrased information is accepted. But, the pattern to convey the matter must be different. While paraphrasing, the quotation is prohibited. Similar phrases are to avoid too.
Apart from these other things to keep in mind are:
- Citation
In-text citation or footnote citation is a must whenever quotation or paraphrasing is followed. Mentioning the publication year and page number along with the author’s name is preferred.
At the end of the paper or project, there must be a reference list or bibliographies like APA, MLA, and Chicago writing Style are the mentionable names for citation.
- Use a Plagiarism Fixer
These days, in all the universities and most of the schools, check for plagiarism. Students should use an anti-plagiarism checker to notice the unintentionally ignores citation, missing quotation marks, inappropriate paraphrasing, etc.
How to Avoid a Duplicate Content Penalty in the Content on a Site?
If genuine content can be the ‘king,’ plagiarized content has a high risk of disappearing from the website on the Google page rank. The significantly less time-consuming and the most effortless solution is to use the plagiarism checkers to avoid consequences.
If the text files or any other files are uploaded in the software, then plagiarism checking gets too comfortable. With the mostly built-in algorithm, these kinds of software compare the text with all the existing texts online.
How to Understand the Google Page Rank Is Deteriorating Because of Plagiarism?
Google search console shows the number of viewers and how long viewers watch the content. It shows that viewers from a particular location prefer which kind of content on one’s site.
Whenever the number of views gets less even after using proper keyword strategy, robot .txt, etc., the content’s originality comes under a question mark.
How to Make Use of the Online Plagiarism Checker?
There are paid and free plagiarism checkers that both are proven to be helpful for content creators. Freelance writers and other professionals prefer to use the paid version. The paid version is able to scan writing in bulk, which writers find very helpful. If plagiarism is found, the writer will be able to access the exact source of the copied content.
Unique plagiarism checker users prefer a paid version to solve their plagiarism checking needs. However, the non-paid plagiarism checking options is useful as well because:
- Information is secured and stored privately within their software.
- They provide 100% genuine results.
- A plagiarism report is provided.
Additionally, comprehensive plagiarism checkers:
- Accept DOC, PDF, XLS, TXT, etc., files.
- Can scan any provided URL.
- Can scan copy-pasted documents.
Steps to Check Paper for Plagiarism
To check your content for plagiarism, copy-paste the document, copy-paste the URL, or select the file on the Anti-plagiarism Checker page. Then, click on the dedicated button to check plagiarism. The result will be viewable within a few seconds.
While writing, if a writer remembers all the factors mentioned above, then it is likely that the writer will never face the plagiarism issue in their career.