Faça uma varredura minuciosa de várias formas de plágio, conteúdo gerado por IA e muito mais no LMS de sua organização educacional.
Inspire learning and error-free writing while managing everything in one place with Copyleaks LMS integrations.
Our solution goes beyond word-for-word detection, providing comprehensive tools to help you:
Integrates seamlessly with your LMS, offering full model coverage, including ChatGPT, Claude, and Gemini. Plus, AI Insights reveals por que it’s AI.
Saiba mais sobre Insights de IA.
Determine if a document was plagiarized from another language through online translation, with matching capabilities in over 30 languages, including Spanish, Chinese, German, and Portuguese.
Empower the writing process with a comprehensive solution for grammar corrections, sentence structure, tone suggestions, and overall mechanics without worrying about getting flagged as AI. Learn more aqui.
Copyleaks is the leading platform for verifying source code for originality and authenticity, including AI-generated code, recognizing potential code plagiarism, and detecting modified code.
Expanda suas opções de digitalização além das atribuições; faça upload de arquivos ou simplesmente cole texto de fóruns de discussão, questionários ou qualquer outra coisa em que você queira fazer uma varredura.
Admins can decide what scan settings are universal and which can be adjusted based on the classroom needs. Plus, teachers can adjust scan settings based on assignments and decide how much student access they want to grant.
Juntamente com a capacidade de ler mais de 100 idiomas humanos, cada varredura pesquisa trilhões de páginas de conteúdo original, além de:
Teachers can upload templates to exclude specific text when running a scan on a student’s assignment, preventing similar content detection regarding original questions, prompts, and more. Available with all LMS integrations.
Obtenha um relatório claro, abrangente e totalmente interativo com cada digitalização e personalize-o para ver as informações relevantes para você e seus alunos. Além disso, há a opção de baixar relatórios em PDF e compartilhá-los com seus alunos.
Analytics provides admins and educators with historical data on student submissions, allowing them to monitor recurring trends and make informed decisions about AI use, plagiarism, and more.
A cloud-based system architecture, military-grade 256-bit encryption with SSL connection, and 100% HTTPS data transferring ensure your complete safety and security.
compatível com GDPR e SOC 2 and SOC 3 certified.
Visit the Segurança e Conformidade pages.
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