Using a Plagiarism Calculator: How to Make Your Content Unique

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What poses a challenge in writing good quality content is the increasing number of content creators. The writers’ rivalry continuously drives them to create better quality content—but “how to differentiate a good quality write-up from an average one?” Most writers make use of online tools such as plagiarism calculator.

The secret of creating unique content is reflecting one’s originality and creativity through the written piece. Creating plagiarized content is nothing but a deception.

Such content shows the dishonesty of the writers and destroys their reputation. Also, copied content stops the readers from enjoying the flavors of the original content. Additionally, copied content denies the original source and content creator the credit they deserve.

When writers use outside sources for gathering information without proper acknowledgement to the source or the writers, plagiarism occurs. It also includes word to word copy of content, using others’ images, paraphrasing, and even taking inspiration from the idea.

Plagiarized content is not only demoing but also unethical. Writers put a lot of time and effort into creating content, including books, articles, essays, and digital content. Anti-plagiarism tools are useful in identifying such duplicate contents.

Plagiarism and Its Impact

Plagiarism is quite common in the academic field as it is on all professional fronts. Whether it is academic paper writing or writing a blog post, plagiarism is a looming threat to all professionals. One can categorize plagiarism broadly into two sections: intentional and accidental.

Using other’s content deliberately without the author’s consent is an example of intentional plagiarism. But often, writers make use of sources and use words without knowing the art of citation or value of acknowledgement—results in accidental plagiarism. Content similarity also identifies potential duplicate content.

Writers, while working on multiple projects, lose track of their writing. It is not uncommon for them to repeat their own words, phrases, ideas in the content. Such actions are also detectable by anti-plagiarism checker tools. Such events are called self-plagiarism. Regardless of the types of plagiarism, the outcome for all is the same.

The Impact of Content Theft can be Dreadful:

Content theft leads to the destroyed image in the case of writers, deduction of marks, and grades for students and face loss for all. If the content, digital or printed, is protected with copyright, the offenders also face monetary loss.

If the content is copyrighted, the owners can press legal charges based on the copyright act. Duplicate contents are taken down from the website. It can lead to the professionals’, freelancer or permanent, contracts getting discontinued.

The brand often rewards websites and writers for promotion. But publishing duplicate content damages the reputation of such sites. Search engines, too, have their method of dealing with copied content. Search engines detect the source site and automatically direct the users to the source site.

Why Is the Rate of Plagiarism Ever-Increasing?

  • Easy access to information is the cause of the rising rate of plagiarized content. But at the same time, this same technology helps to identify duplicate content and to calculate plagiarism.
  • The lack of creativity of the writers leads them to adopt short cuts. And they often indulge in plagiarism.
  • Students in an academic year may be responsible for preparing multiple research papers, all of which are time-bound. To meet the deadline, students steal the content of other writers.
  • Using copyrighted content may not directly result in plagiarism, but the consequences can be the same. The person who is not authorized to access that particular information can be accused of copyright violation. 

How to Make Your Content Unique Using a Plagiarism Calculator?

  • Reading Is Irreplaceable:

Having a good hold on the topic is necessary to give a proper shape to the write-up. The writer might be gifted who can create magic with his or her words, but a lack of in-depth knowledge of the topic might make him dependent on others’ work. Read, learn, and research before taking up the responsibility of creating a written piece.

  • Subject Matter:

Unique writing requires a theme that has not been explored by others. For this, the writer must be aware of the work of contemporary writers. It will enlighten them about which areas are quite common and the ones which are untouched still now.

It is the rivalry and healthy competition between them that drives the writers to create better quality content. Content similarity checker tools easily compare two documents.

  • Style and Format:

Writers must be familiar with the taste of the audience. Writers and write-ups both have their target audience, and they must cater to the needs of the audience. Lengthy paragraphs, monotonous writing will discourage readers. Similarly, if the written piece’s language is too obscure, it will not attract the readers. The language should be easy and understandable.

  • Summarizing:

Paraphrasing and summarizing are also examples of content theft. What makes any content unique? Unique content is something that reflects the original views, opinions, and experience of the creator. It should not be a mere copy of other’s viewpoints.

In this regard, content created with summarizing and paraphrasing can be easily detected with the plagiarism calculator. Suppose the writers wish to paraphrase at all. In that case, they must consider using synonyms for all words except the generic terms to avoid plagiarism.

  • Online tools:

Many online tools or software calculates plagiarism percentage to determine the risks of publishing the write-up. It follows a straightforward process where the users need to upload their work and check for plagiarism. The tool generates a result within a few minutes.

It provides writers with the freedom to make the desired changes in the content by removing the plagiarized words. It also helps publishers to post their content safely by reducing the risks of plagiarism. These tools serve as a useful method of proofreading.

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